The Garibaldi Meucci Museum

We are the product of the many generations preceding ourselves. We bear their features and eat the traditional foods they ate and carry their experiences. To explain why we are, who we are, we must ask our elders. They tell us the tales of their journeys, beliefs, customs, and the tales of their elders. These become our stories and direct our journey through life.
Come and visit our “AMERICAN IMMIGRATION” exhibit opening to the public
Wednesday, November 15, 2023
We, at the Garibaldi-Meucci Museum want to know and include your stories in our new project,
“HOW WE GOT HERE: The Building of America”
We would love to have your stories, photos, recipes and any other materials that define your family’s American experiences.
In this ongoing project you are encouraged to voluntarily complete and return the attached survey and include copies of written accounts of experiences related to immigration in your own family. The survey consists of questions common to most immigration stories. We hope to create a data bank of these stories which will be accessible to the public at our museum and through our website. Let us include your families’ experiences in our project.
Please download the document to the right and return your documents to:
American Immigration Project
c/o Garibaldi-Meucci Museum
420 Tompkins Ave.
Staten Island, NY 10305
By email to:
You could also submit it online below!