GMM 2024
Christmas Tree Lighting
Saturday, December 7, 2024
Garibaldi-Meucci Museum Invites you to join us for light refreshments in celebration of our tree-lighting ceremony on
December 7th, 2024
You can still donate a bulb to the Christmas tree, which will sparkle through January 6, 2025. Click the image of the tree to donate a bulb in honor or memory of a loved one.
Add Your Name to Our Donor List

Thank you to all the donors
Marie Black
Marianne Bortone Prince
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Capasso
William & Maria Castello
Christina Chila
Emilia & Vito Chimienti
Adriano Chinellato
Carl & Nancy Ciaccio
Salvatore Ciaccio
Helaina Ciaramella
AnnMarie & Frank Cicero
Fran & Frank Cicero
Jason Cohen
Christine Pulito-Colbert
Elaine D’Arrigo Mendez
Keith DeMatteis
Gertrude Dorries
Antonella & John Eramo
Rita Eredics
Elaine Caputo Ferrara
Dr. Thomas & Mrs. Lucille Forlenza
Maria Fortuno
Connie and Vito Galifi
Joanne Giura
Debra Goldmann
Eleanor Jobbagy
Rose Kelly
Teresa & John Kepertis
Alex Leonard
Josephine Maimone
Linda Moyers
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Persichetty
Lino Pizzaia & Teena Caccamo
Carol & Angelo Rossi
Angela Ruggiero
Antoinette Santoemma
Carolyn Santoro
Daniel Simonelli
Bernadette Sullivan
The Taddei Family
Maria Trimboli
Vincent Vellucci
Diana & Nicholas Vittoria
Keith Wilson
Joyce Wright
Edith Zuzolo